The first shot of the roll.

The first shot of the roll.

This is ironically the only vertical image of the 17 shots of the field trip. Looks to have been made while sitting down and talking to his mom while having breakfast.

Image #2

Image #2

Image #3

Image #3

Image #4

Image #4

Image #5

Image #5

Image #6

Image #6

This is the first of two images that demonstrate the camera being used had the ability to focus.

Image #7

Image #7

This is the second image demonstrating the camera can focus. The camera is closer to subject and he is sharp. If the camera had a fixed focus lens, the boy by the window would be sharp and the boy in the foreground would be even more out of focus than he is in image #6.

Image #8

Image #8

This is the first truly outdoor image. The exposure is pretty consistent from the frame shot inside to outside showing the photographer was changing the exposure for the different lighting conditions. Considering the heavy backlight in image #4 and image #6 and #7 my guess is the photographer was using a handheld incident light meter.

Buddhist Temple, from the sidewalk. The current location of image #8.

Buddhist Temple, from the sidewalk. The current location of image #8.

64 Mott Street, the first image with a recognizable location.

Quon Luck, 66, image #9

Quon Luck, 66, image #9

Quon Luck 66, the current location of image #9.

Quon Luck 66, the current location of image #9.

From where the photographer was standing for the previous image of the temple, they simply turned around to make this image.

Buddhist Temple, taken from across the street. Image #10

Buddhist Temple, taken from across the street. Image #10

Buddhist Temple, the current location of image #10.

Buddhist Temple, the current location of image #10.

64 Mott Street, the photographer crossed the street to photograph the group walking in front of the Temple located at 65 Mott street.

Close up of the Buddhist Temple window. Image #11

Close up of the Buddhist Temple window. Image #11

Another example the camera used to shoot this roll of film had the ability to focus and was more than a simple point and shoot.

Buddhist Temple, window close up. The current location of image #11.

Buddhist Temple, window close up. The current location of image #11.

Third image of the temple on the roll.

The corner of Mott and Bayard streets about a block from the temple. Image #12

The corner of Mott and Bayard streets about a block from the temple. Image #12

52 Mott at Bayard street.

Corner of Mott and Bayard by the now defunct Ye Limehouse restaurant. The current location of image #12.

Corner of Mott and Bayard by the now defunct Ye Limehouse restaurant. The current location of image #12.

52 Mott at Bayard street.

The first of two images made outside the Temple Garden. Image #13

The first of two images made outside the Temple Garden. Image #13

This image was made from what I'm thinking is the edge of the curb.

Temple Garden at 16 Pell Street. Image #14

Temple Garden at 16 Pell Street. Image #14

This is the second image made from outside the Temple Garden Restaurant.

This is the image that helped determine the approximate year these were made. The adult on the right has what looks to be a Polaroid 'Swinger' Model 20. This camera was produced between July 1965 and 1970, guaranteeing the images were made sometime after the summer of 1965.

The gentlemen just to his right appears to be loading a roll of film into a camera as well but not enough of the camera is visible to identify it.

Temple Garden, 16 Pell street. Current location of images #13 and #14.

Temple Garden, 16 Pell street. Current location of images #13 and #14.

The only image in Chinatown that was not made on Mott Street. This image was made a couple blocks off of Mott on Pell street. While the fire plug has been removed the pipe looking like an upside down J or a candy cane is still there today.

My guess is this was made inside the Temple Garden Restaurant and the last image made before returning to the school. Image #13

My guess is this was made inside the Temple Garden Restaurant and the last image made before returning to the school. Image #13

One of two images of this girl. Image #16

One of two images of this girl. Image #16

Perhaps the girl was a friend or a crush of the photographer. It could also be the photographer was trying to finish up the roll as these were the final two shots from the field trip.

Image #17

Image #17

The last shot made.

The Film Can

The Film Can

The bulk loaded film can the film was in.

35mmc article about this mystery roll of film. Link to the article in the description.

35mmc article about this mystery roll of film. Link to the article in the description.

Before returning to the photograph the current locations 35mmc ran an article about the find.